If you think that the footer of your website doesn’t fit any more information, then I bring you bad news because you will have to find space to add another sentence next to the telephone number. And the new legal requirement does not stop there. You will also need to put this phrase on your invoices, written communications and written contracts with the consumer.
If you are a trader or service provider and provide your customers with a contact telephone number, you will have to comply with the new rules regarding the provision and dissemination of telephone lines for consumer contact, approved by Decree-Law no. 59/2021, of 14 July.
This diploma does not oblige suppliers of goods or service providers to provide a telephone contact line for the consumer. If you offer your customers other equally fast and efficient contact channels, such as email, chat or an instant messaging app such as WhatsApp or Messenger, you don’t have to add a telephone line to these. But if you have it, as with most companies and businesses, you have to comply with the new rules.
What to add in your documents?
If you provide goods or services to consumers and provide a telephone number for your customers to contact you, you will have to comply with certain rules regarding the disclosure of this line. You must indicate this number or numbers clearly and visibly in your:
(commercial and written)
Next to the phone numbers, you will have to present updated information regarding the price of calls.
If you have several telephone numbers, you must indicate them in ascending order of costs for the consumer, starting with the toll-free lines, if you have them, followed by geographic and mobile lines and only then the other lines, from the cheapest to the cheapest. guy. And always with an indication of the costs in front of each number. As we were unable to determine the cost of the call, since it is indexed to each consumer’s tariff, we must enter the following information:
- 200 000 000
200 000 000
(call to national fixed network)
- 900 000 000
900 000 000
(call to national fixed network)
What happens to those who don’t comply?
The fines provided for those who do not comply with the rules are particularly heavy.
Violation of the duty to inform is a serious economic offence.
The inspection of compliance with these new obligations, the instruction of administrative offense proceedings and the application of sanctions are the responsibility of the regulatory administrative authority of the sector in which the infraction occurs. If there is no specific sector entity, the ASAE will be competent.
Don’t be taken by surprise and contact us. At CONCEITOS DIFFERENTES we audit your website so that it complies with this and other rules in force.